Recommended For You
Silicone Ear Hook
$3.99 Pr.
High-grade silicone ear hooks are hypoallergenic and designed to fit most temple diameters. Hypoallergenic silicone is ideal for sensitive skin and are very soft. Our ear hooks will fit most eyeglasses. Don’t go on a roller-coaster or jet ski with-out these puppies! A super cheap investment for a little added safety. To apply, simple use a soapy solution on the temple ends, then the silicone ear hooks will slip right on with ease. Later (after you positioned them into place.) Simply wipe away the soapy suds and presto!
Another amazing reason to get these beauties would be, if your ears are situated a littler further back than the temples can reach. In most cases you would be able to straighten the temple out completely and place the hook toward the back as shown above.
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